Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Door Project 2014

Seungmin Kim

Door Project

New York is a city of doors. All full of mysteries and possibilities, from the 

small side door on the kitchen of the musty dumpling place in Chinatown where the 

chef comes out to smoke, to a giant white triumphal arch in Washington Square park 

where that tourist shoot their photos in front of. Doors are 

among the most common objects in our daily lives yet also one of the most 

meaningful . They stand as both a barrier against outside wonders , an obstacle, and 

as passageways, that facilitate transition. The door reminds of the decision making, the moment of change that we 

all face in our daily lives.

 Doors are the portals to the different places, the borderlines that differentiate 

the space between our current position, and a goal. Thus, going through a door is a 

dynamic action of taking a risk. My photographs describe these dividing functions of 

the door. I’ve tried to convey the mystery and uncertainty that resides behind the door 

with the structure and lighting of the doors.

Chinatown project 2014

Seungmin Kim
Digital Photography
Eye contact
            To me China town is not an unfamiliar place. Although it is not entirely identical, it is closed to the culture that I have grown up with. Just by having a similar face, I am welcomed and invited into their culture. The life style within china town is not much different from other sides of New York City. It is composed of different materials that are slightly more exotic, but people’s lives are same. They work, they live and they react to camera as New Yorkers do.
            As a person with Asian outlook, I could easily approach people in Chinatown compared to other photographers. My presence in their space does not bother them to raise their head and care about me. However, the situation changes when I bring my camera out and set my self in a position to take a picture. They freeze as if they saw something forbidden. They stand still as soon as they notice my camera pointing toward them and stare into my lens. It is interesting that presence of camera changes my position from one of them to a stranger crossing their boundary. By capturing the moment when people stares through my lens, I tried to question the boundary of people’s comfort zone.

Free Swims

Seungmin Kim
Digital Photography
Free Swim (2014) NYC